Enrolment process
The enrolment process is a time for prospective students and their parents to find out more about our school and for the school to find out more about the child/ren.
There are three steps to the process which can be combined if required.
1. Pre-enrolment
During this time parents and children should find out as much as possible about our school.
Information can be found on this website by downloading our enrolment form and our enrolment agreement form, by contacting the school and requesting an enrolment package, or by visiting the school. If visiting the school, first contact us to arrange a time and, if at all possible, the child should accompany the parent or carer to take a tour of the school.
2. The enrolment
There are many forms to complete. Receiving and completing these prior to the enrolment saves time on day.
You will need to bring:
- Child’s birth certificate.
- Passport and visa is required for any student born overseas and not an Australian citizen.
- A current report card from the previous school.
- Special needs documentation – reports from doctors, paediatricians etc. Assist the school in fast-tracking assistance for the child.
3. The interview
It is important for the prospective student to play a role in the interview. All forms need to be completed before the interview.
Our process is very informal and allows everyone involved to ask questions. Some sensitive issues will be discussed with the parents at a separate time.